CPSA Shotgun Skills

Posted on 10th October, 2022

Everyone has to start somewhere....

This course aims to give the uninitiated the skillset that they need to be safe. It is a surprising fact that at the time of writing anyone can apply for a shotgun certificate, even if they have never touched a gun in their life. Talking to other candidates some Constabularies now make this course a pre-requisite to even apply. One does wonder how long it will be before something like this is compulsory, and in truth why it isnt already.

This is an entry level course that makes absolutely no assumptions about knowledge. I took mine at NCSC Bisley, but it is available around the country.

The morning was spent in the class room.

Topics covered included safe gun handling, the law regarding shotguns and their use, how to clean a gun.... All useful stuff to the beginner. This would probably be a bit dry to anyone who has experience, but as someone new to shotguns I found it interesting and indeed useful.

After lunch we moved outside to the Skeet range. Everyone got 50 clays which are included in the course fee, and which I thought was quite reasonable at £99, not least as lunch was included as well!

I would like to say that on the peg I gave a good account of myself, but as I had never shot skeet, or much of anything else at this point, it would be an overstatement.... Still this is not the point of the course. Getting some experience and confidence is the name of the game and at this it was a very useful course, Book yours Here!

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